Object n°124

India, IN
Saving water bodies
Object n°310

Dandelion and its egrets
Paris, France, FR
Preserving biodiversity, Climate change, Weather changes
Object n°419

Snow guns.
Villard-de-Lans, France, FR
Awareness of climate change
Object n°71

Is nature empty or full?
Kamakura, Japan, JP
Japan, Shintoism, Sacred
Object n°269

Broken Butterfly
Location unknown
Species protection, Species extinction, Sustainability, Biodiversity that affects our environment, especially animals, Cruelty to animals
Object n°207

Pond fishing (Dombes)
France, FR
Global warming, Ponds, Dombes, Ain, Fishing, Fish, Assets, Landscape, History, Culture, Fish farm
Object n°117

Where are our squirrels?
Mainvilliers, France, FR
Object n°392

Pregnant sow
Himbergen, Germany, DE
Object n°34

Pure Rhine water
Bonn, Germany, DE
Rhine, Water quality, Research
Object n°264

The clothes rail
Plattling, Germany, DE
Child labor, Second hand, Waste of resources, Conscious consumption, Upcycling, Impact on the environment, Garbage
Object n°103

Chocolate pot
Pirna, Germany, DE
Drinks, Reusable, Sustainable packaging
Object n°206

The disappearance of bees
Rambouillet, France, FR
Apple trees are blossoming earlier, butterflies are getting rarer and cities are spilling out into the countryside: What has happened? How has your environment changed? What can personal items or historical objects tell us about these transformations?
Contribute your object and your story to help us understand environmental change and the challenges of the future! Learn more about the project
Join us as we create a new kind of collection:
Object n°40

Forgotten Gardens
Strasbourg, France, FR
Capitalism, Ground cover, Living environment, Urban agriculture
Object n°124

India, IN
Saving water bodies
Object n°310

Dandelion and its egrets
Paris, France, FR
Preserving biodiversity, Climate change, Weather changes
Object n°419

Snow guns.
Villard-de-Lans, France, FR
Awareness of climate change
Object n°71

Is nature empty or full?
Kamakura, Japan, JP
Japan, Shintoism, Sacred
Object n°269

Broken Butterfly
Location unknown
Species protection, Species extinction, Sustainability, Biodiversity that affects our environment, especially animals, Cruelty to animals
Object n°207

Pond fishing (Dombes)
France, FR
Global warming, Ponds, Dombes, Ain, Fishing, Fish, Assets, Landscape, History, Culture, Fish farm
Object n°117

Where are our squirrels?
Mainvilliers, France, FR
Contributions across the world
What do everyday objects and personal memories tell us about environmental change? Explore the collection: Where do the objects and stories come from? Who are the collectors? How are our personal memories connected to global developments?
Explore the collectionHow to
contribute ?
1 Choose your object!
It is up to you to decide which objects fit in the collection: You can contribute anything from an everyday object or an historical record to a personal memory, an old cookbook, a family photo, or a piece of music.
Your object should fulfill 3 criteria:
- - originate from the past
- - have a personal connection to you
- - tell us something about the changes in our environment
1 Choose your object!
It is up to you to decide which objects fit in the collection: You can contribute anything from an everyday object or an historical record to a personal memory, an old cookbook, a family photo, or a piece of music.
Your object should fulfill 3 criteria:
- - originate from the past
- - have a personal connection to you
- - tell us something about the changes in our environment