Participatory mini-conferences will be held online in September and October 2023 to present Changing Natures as part of the European Researchers' Night programme.
The theme of the 2023 European Researchers' Night is "Our futures".
“In the last century, when we talked about the future, we imagined flying cars, a world full of technology... Today, we imagine the future with many possible tracks, one track with technology very present of course, another with a return to the essential, and maybe a future where humans would no longer be present... All these tracks are hypotheses brought by researchers who build the future and then talk about the European Researcher's Night. As every year, the public will be able to meet researchers from all disciplines and all horizons…”
For the full programme of events, click here.
Participatory mini-conferences on Changing Natures will be held on 18 and 21 September between 6pm and 7pm, and on 2 and 5 October between 9pm and 10pm. To register, click here! Come one, come all!
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